Our growing posse, temporarily up to 4 with the arrival of Paris and Bridget, rolled out for a one-nighter up to the saddle outside of Dharamshala. Due to various circumstances we headed out right around dusk with a collection of head lamps and cell phones equipped with LED's, to assist with navigation and death prevention. Of course as with any poorly planned, last minute trip a few things are usually forgotten, in this case shortly after leaving town we realized we had forgotten the whiskey. Valiantly I ran back to town to grab a bottle with every intention of quickly rejoining the group. Turns out, hiking in the dark in an unfamiliar area is a little harder than I expected. Took a few wrong turns, traversed a couple of peoples yards, and ultimately found the crew about 45 minutes later. Not one of my wiser decisions, but a very tasty one while we were sitting in our sleeping bags at the saddle.
We had some sweet views of the mountains all morning from our campsite and from snowline a little higher up. The hike down was nice, and I was thoroughly emasculated by a women at least 20 years older than me, carrying about 20lbs more than me down a steep rocky trail in slippers.
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